
Ott 19 2016

Cereria Ermini acquired by Amedeo Nappi

  • 19/10/2016

RONCADE - Cereria Ermini, after bankruptcy, zwas acquired by Amedeo Nappi spa, a leading company in the production and sale of waxes and paraffins for various industrial sectors.

The company has a multi-year experience and has a lab that, with the help of technologically advanced tools and a team of specialized chemists, performs accurate controls on raw materials as well as on finished products, guaranteeing the customer high quality products.
A know-how that aims to bring Roncade's Cereria Ermini brand back to its ancient splendor.

Nov 02 2017

Cereria Ermini acquired by Amedeo Nappi

  • 10/11/2017

BLOG - Candle: past and future The first use of candles was in ancient Greece, where hemp ropes were used. Candles and candlestick were also represented in some works of ancient Greece. Over the years, however, their use has changed: from the waterproofing of ships and from the writing waxes, we arrived to statues. Only in 1846 Newton made a candle machine. At that time their were used to measure the time. With the advent of electric light, in 1879, candles became more and more furniture accessories. The candle had a symbolic meaning of protection and salvation from obscure forces.

Ott 16 2017

Cereria Ermini acquired by Amedeo Nappi

  • 16/10/2017

BLOG - The votive candles in the collective imagination are represented by white or red color and are placed in front of the image of a saint in church to perform some religious functions.
The most important function of votive candles in our tradition is related to the religious, ancient and profound, especially the "vote". In antiquity, votive candles were brought to the temples to protect themselves against evil, with the passing of time, the essential changes suffered by our society, the function of votive candles has changed, currently used to ask "grace to the saints" and to succeed overcome the adversity of life, but also thanks for the "thanks" received.
The votive candles have an ancient tradition, date back to 1527 when the first votive baptism was switched to Monteveglio to thank the liberation of the city. The common use of votive candles is also used as a means of commemorating the dead, able to connect the two worlds; that of the afterlife and ours.

Ott 13 2017

Cereria Ermini acquired by Amedeo Nappi

  • 13/10/2017

BLOG - The legend tells that the ancients were able to build lamps placed in the tombs, shining endlessly, procuring perennial light.
The votive lumines represent the "brightness", the light that illuminates the path of the dead. Usuality teaches us to: turn on votive lumens around the deceased is linked to the idea of the end of earthly life. The extinction of the votive lumine leads to the death of the deceased. Italy boasts a rich funeral tradition that has its origins in Roman times, where the idea is developed through the votive lights to illuminate the path of our loved ones to the afterlife.

Ott 06 2017

Cereria Ermini acquired by Amedeo Nappi

  • 6/10/2017

BLOG -Notes for using candles.

  • For better combustion, shorten the wicks at about 5 mm before turning on.
  • The candles are sensitive to light and temperature.
  • Spegnere le candele soffocando la fiamma con un apposito spegni candela o annegare la fiamma piegando lo stoppino nella cera fusa, riportare poi lo stoppino nella posizione verticale. Eviterete inutile fumo e odore di stoppino bruciato, inoltre lo stoppino sarà ben cerato e pronto per una nuova accensione.
When storing candles for a long time, remember to keep them in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and fluorescence lamps. Candles exposed to excessive heat can break, hot excess candles can deform or melt. When buying candles, remember not to leave them in the car on hot days.

Ott 02 2017

Cereria Ermini acquired by Amedeo Nappi

  • 2/10/2017

BLOG - Citronella known as an antizanzara also has other properties, its odor has beneficial effects against bad mood, is an antiviral, an antispasmodic, and is a great deodorant. Citronella is a natural remedy against mosquitoes for two reasons:

  • Mosquitoes are attracted to our smell, in lemons it is stronger
  • The heat of the flame distracts mosquitoes
In our catalog you can find a wide range of lemons

Altre notizie

Ott 19 2016
  • 19/10/2016
  • La Tribuna di

Cereria Ermini goes to Nappi

Cereria Ermini was acquired by Amedeo Nappi spa, a leading company in the production and sale of waxes...